Put Your Life into Balance
Life Coaching Session
Get the Most out of Life
The way we breath shows us the way we live. Breathing in is about relaxing and releasing control. You breathe as you live and you live as you breathe. The more free you breathe, the more free you live.
There is a lot that the society of today asks from us. We need to deliver quicker, faster and better every day. The shift that's made from a 100 years ago until now is the biggest shift we ever had. We went from farmer/survivor life to IT/social media landscape. This change requests a lot from our body and brain and for many of us this can be overwhelming and lonely.. Pressure.. Stress.. Pain.. Fighting against ourselves… and I can go on and on. Because of this, people live their lives on an autopilot to keep up with speed and shut off from feelings. Unconsciously this stress can be an influence on the way you breathe and this can have big consequences on the way you feel. A few of them are:
Difficulties controlling emotions
Problems with digestion
Feeling of fear and panic
Not sleeping well
Pain in your back, neck, shoulders and tension in the abdomen and diaphragm area
I was going through a period in my life where I worked hard and wanted to have the best life besides work (friends/parties/workouts/love etc.) After a while my body just gave up and I got chronic hyperventilation. At first I thought I was dying as it feels like your heart is going crazy; - you will faint-, you feel nauseous, etc.
Only after 1 year I found a doctor that could finally tell me what I was suffering from. I was relieved and asked her to give me medications.
The answer was to just not think about it! This was many years ago when doctors were not familiar with autoimmune illnesses, but I still hear the craziest solutions unfortunately. I went through a long struggle and I don't want the same for you!
So let me help you find a life where breathing/stress is the thing you don't have to think about anymore.