I see it more and more around me, people with burnout. A recent study showed that 23% of people that are working full time are feeling exhaustion at work. 44% reported that they were feeling the symptoms of burnout sometimes. These numbers are increasing every year, which is scary because nobody is immune to exhaustion and our employers putting more and more pressure on us.
Everybody wants to be perfect; we don’t dare to show that we are not, and we are even covering it up to ourselves!
The number one emotion that is experienced in North America and Europe is Anxiety/Stress. A sentiment that most people carry with them every day. The feeling that never goes away, and it doesn't ends. It’s the feeling that you never completely win, and you can’t let go. Stress and anxiety often lead to burnout.
Let’s first look at the five stages of a burn out before we move to the solution of a balanced life.
The first phase is what we call the ‘Honeymoon Phase’. We have high job satisfaction and a commitment to our employer. We start with a lot of energy and creativity and say yes to almost all tasks. This stage often occurs when we start our new job or when we start our business venture.
We can stay in this honeymoon phase for a long time. Some of us remain in this phase during their whole career.
Unfortunately, some of us move to the second phase, the ‘onset of stress phase’. Working to many hours a week under a lot of stress can affect us emotionally, physically, or mentally. We start noticing that some days are getting more complicated, plus our happiness is slowly dozing away. Luckily in this a stage it’s still easy to avoid burnout. Some of the symptoms are:
· Anxiety
· Inability to focus
· Irritability
· Job dissatisfaction
· Unusual heart rhythms
· Fatigue
· Headaches
The third stage is what we called “Chronic stress”. The stress we experience in stage two has now become chronic. The systems are also getting worse and worse, and it’s harder to find a way back to a balanced life. Some other symptoms that you can add to the list are:
· Insomnia
· Feeling threatened or panicked
· Sexual dysfunction
· Anger or aggressive behaviours
· Feeling pressured or out of control
· Social withdrawal from friends and or family
· Chronic exhaustion
· Increased alcohol/ drug consumption
The four-stage is: ‘The Burnout phase’. Here are the symptoms that were described as critical. If people refer to burnout, they generally talk about this stage. You can’t continue as usual anymore, and you must seek help. Please go to your doctor or coach so that they can help and inform you about what you can do.
When people enter this phase, they often think that two weeks at home is enough to recover; this is, unfortunately, not the case. In this stage, it can take months even years to get back to the ‘normal you’. Some symptoms to add to the rest of the list:
· Self-doubt
· Chronic stomach or bowel problems
· Desire to ‘drop-out’ of the society
· Feeling empty inside
· Development of an escapist mentality
· Complete neglect of personal needs
The final stage is the ‘Habitual Burnout’. The symptoms are so embedded in your life at this point that you are experiencing significant emotional or physical problems. At this point, it will take years to get back to the working society. Some even never fully integrate back into their old roles of positions.
What is the solution or resolution to a balanced life?
Quick fix:
If burnout seems inevitable, try to take a complete break from work. Go on vacation, use up your sick days, ask for a temporary leave-of-absence, anything to remove yourself from the situation. Use the time away to recharge your batteries and pursue other methods of recovery.
Long term:
It’s to realize how beautiful your life is and appreciate what you have. To decide on what you want and to make it happen by making the shifts inside yourself that are necessary to make that happen. We need to recapture what is missing, and take time to find and win it back. Not just time, but time for yourself, to feel, to react to the constant stimulus, time to dream.
Let me help you via my coaching sessions to guide you to a life that you want. A life where happiness is your number one feeling and stress is just something you laugh at.
Check out my website and book a free call. During this call, we will see what your struggles are and where you want to go. Together we set up a plan and move you into the direction and life you want!
Click here for your free call: https://www.coachmaxime.com/book-online